Thursday, August 2, 2012

How I do it...

Throughout this last year, I've had so many people tell me what an inspiration I am.  They also share with me the changes they have made in their lives because of what I am going through in my life.  I am so happy to hear about all the positive changes that have come out of this stage of my life.  I've also had some friends share my blog with friends of theirs, or friends of friends who are currently battling cancer, and many of them ask me how I stay so positive.  These reasons have led me to this blog tonight (and the fact that I'm super bored!)  I thought I would share how I stay positive and the things that inspire me to keep going, in the hopes that it reaches out to someone else and will help them.

1.  Start everyday with prayer.  I haven't always been the most religious person, but I don't think you have to be in order to pray.  I read a book stating that as long as you pray to someone, it will help you handle things.  Therefore, along with praying to God, I pray to the Peggy's.  I pray to my Grandma Peg, and a dear friend Peggy B.  These two phenomenal women fought cancer for many years and lost their battle.  BUT...I believe that their lost battle will end with my winning battle.  I couldn't have two stronger women up there fighting for me and giving me all the strength and healing that I need to succeed.  If you know Peggy B, you know that she was always the last to leave a I know that she will continue to fight for me until cancer has left my body.  So no matter who you are praying to, start your morning off right, by praying.  Along with praying for things you need, be sure to pray for all that you currently have and thank someone for them.

2.  Reminders.  When I get cards from people, or read/hear motivational quotes, I either write them down or keep them in my journal.  I refer to these whenever a negative thought enters my mind.  I have  been given different motivational pictures that I have throughout my house that also help me remind me to stay positive and always hope.  It's actually been proven that your every thought and emotion causes a chemical response in your body.  Therefore, what we think and what we tell ourselves can either support or undermine our health.  Stay positive!

3.  Allow yourself time to grieve.  I give myself one time every three weeks to feel sorry for myself and cry.  It usually happens a few days after chemo because I'm so sick of having no energy, feeling achey, bored out of my mind, ect.  It's a good release and just what I need to keep fighting.

4.  I'm in the driver's seat.  This is my cancer and I will handle it and fight it how I want to.  Of course I take medical advice from my doctor, but I do my own research.  My husband does his research.  We are using a lot more than modern medicine to beat this.  Changing my diet, taking many different supplements, going to the chiropractor and reiki, getting physical exercise, and many other things are all things that I am in control of and gives me a sense of pride when beating this.  I not only have to beat this toxin in my body, but I have to keep a strong body and immune system while doing it.  The stronger my body is while going through treatments, the stronger I am going to be to fight off this disease.  So get in the driver's seat and take control...this is your body, no one else should be in charge besides you!

5.  Find a support system.  Whether you are fighting cancer, wanting to work out more, or wanting to lose need a support system.  Surround yourself with those that support what you are doing and lean on them when things get to be too much.  The support system that my family and I have had through the last year has been simply amazing.  There is always someone there to say the right thing, to babysit on a moment's notice, to drive me to an appointment, to bring over a treadmill or heating bad, to feed us, to clean our house, to help with monetary donations to help pay for medical bills, to say the right thing or send a card at the right now...I think you get the idea by now.  It is our support system who helps get us through the days, weeks, and months...thank you!!!!

6.  Find your inspiration.  Why are you doing what you're doing?  What is inspiring you to make this change or do all that you're doing?

My inspiration:

I fight my hardest everyday for these two.  I drink awful juice for these two.  I swallow a crap ton of supplement pills everyday for these two.  I get on the treadmill everyday for these two (it was hard enough to get me on the treadmill before cancer, let alone on the days after chemo.)  I go to 2 chiropractor appointments and one reiki appointment every week for these two.  I know what you're thinking...don't you do all of this for yourself?  Well of course I do...I do all of this for me health, but I do it so I can be around for many years to come for these two.  Jerrid and I just celebrated our one year anniversary and Brayden is only going to be 5 in September.  We have so many great years ahead of us, and so many things to still do in our life together.  Waking up to them, watching them play together, listening to their conversations, ect. is what inspires me on a daily basis.  I know I have to keep fighting and keep going for them.  As much as I know they need me...I need them so much more!

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