Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Sorry that it has taken me so long to update since my time at MD Anderson in Houston.  Since I've been back, I have been super busy with a tremendous and successful benefit in my honor, Flynn's baptism, trying to rest and get my energy back, and making a trip to the ER.  Yes, that is right...last night (or early this morning rather) we had to make a trip to the ER.  About midnight I woke up with severe abdominal pain...at times it was so bad I thought I was in labor (but I knew better than this.)  After about an hour of this and it not getting any better, Jerrid called Dr. Morris.  This is also when the vomiting started.  Dr. Morris called back and he told Jerrid to bring me in to the ER.  After I was done vomiting the pain finally subsided.  While at the ER they did an X-ray to check for a bowel obstruction, and everything looked good.  SO...they really don't know what was causing me severe pain and vomiting.  Since we left the ER, I haven't been nauseous, have been sleeping and resting a lot, but am not quite back to myself, as I still feel kinda cruddy and tired.  Although I haven't really felt like myself since Saturday night, as I've been very exhausted and trying to catch up on sleep.  So being up from midnight til 5:30 this morning, didn't help with catching up on sleep.  Anyways I'm convinced that I probably caught a flu bug...probably in the airport or airplane.  This doesn't make me too excited to hop back on 2 airplanes tomorrow to get to Houston again...

SO...now about the last trip to Houston, although I think all of you have seen updates on Facebook, or heard about it in person.  Therefore, I'll make a long story short...

Thursday at MD Anderson was a long day with a lot of waiting, but totally worth every minute.  I saw Dr. Westin (Gynecological Oncologist) and her Nurse Practitioner first.  They were both great ladies, who made my mom and I feel very comfortable, and her Nurse Practitioner had definitely done her homework on me and my situation.  I think she knew it better than Jerrid probably does (he may or may not choose to block some things out.)  After their exam, my mom, my sister-in-laws Jina and Jessica, and I met with Dr. Westin about what she was thinking.  She told us about so many options!  This was such a relief to hear!  Her #1 option was to send us over to Dr. Janku at the Targeted Therapy Center.  There they focus on clinical trials and trials specific (or targeted) to individual patients and their individual cancers.  She said if he doesn't have anything for me, she definitely would, but she wants to start with the "Hail Mary" here and really attack this!  She made a personal call to Dr. Janku and somehow got him to see me that day.  Remember how the first time I called MD Anderson and it was going to be a month before I could get it.  I know he didn't have time in his schedule to see me, but he did it anyway.  After Dr. Janku and his fellow did their homework on my situation he came in and told us he has about three different options he probably has for me.  He wanted to do some additional testing (blood work and CT scan) to gain a little more information about my specific cancer versus just treating me as if I have cervical cancer like everyone else who has cervical cancer.  He said the drugs he is wanting to try show promise and this too was great to hear!  Everything we heard down in Texas gave us more and more HOPE!  It's sounding like I'll be a part of a clinical trial at MD Anderson, so I will more than likely be taking a clinical trial drug along with an FDA approved drug.  Since I will be a part of an MD Anderson trial, I will have to do all the treatment down there.  Depending on how I handle the treatment, I could possibly travel back and forth, but at the beginning I have to plan to be down there for about 4 weeks.  While down there my mom and I looked at a furnished apartment that would be a great place to spend 4 weeks away from home, if that is what I have to do.  SO...I will find out on Thursday of this week what Dr. Janku's plans are for my treatment and we will quickly start planning the logistics as chances are I will be starting treatment very soon.  I'm anxious to get down there and get this figured out, and even though I'm not sure what treatment is going to bring (side effects and logistics that may not be ideal), I am looking forward to getting started on treatment and getting that much closer to beating this cancer!  My friend Holly is going to go down with me this time, and I'm thankful she is able to so my mom can stay and sub for me.  I know work should be the last thing I worry about right now, but it's not.  I hate being gone, and feeling as if I'm letting the kids and staff down at school.  With my mom there in my place, I feel a lot better about being gone. 

I know I said this was going to short, but you should all know by now I'm not good about doing short blogs.  Anyways, I want to end with a HUGE thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday to support my family and me at a benefit in my honor.  It was amazing to see all those who came and the generous donations given!  A very big thank-you to my Aunt Kris, Rhonda Hope, and Denise Luna for coordinating the entire thing, and to all that volunteered their time to help out on Saturday.  Also, thanks to those that donated items for the basket raffle...the baskets were awesome!  This benefit just solidified what I've always known about the A-H-S-T Community.  Everyone comes together in times of need while making a huge difference in people's lives!  Lastly, a big thanks to all of the McCarthy's who traveled near and far to show their support and help out with the benefit!  My family and I are so blessed to have such amazing friends and family in our lives, and are beyond thankful for all of your support!


1 comment:

  1. Meighan, I was very happy to hear the news that MD Anderson my have some great options for you. We are praying for you all the time and hope this time away in Houston will truly help kick your cancer.

