Sunday, June 17, 2012

Knocking on wood

Well I hate to speak too soon, but I think I'm as close to being back to myself as I'm going to be!  Finally, yesterday when I woke up from my nap, I felt pretty good and have continued to through today.  Last night we met up with friends and went to the 8:00 CWS game.  It was a beautiful night and before I knew it, it was 11:00 and I was still feeling great...crazy!  Today, we went out to Avoca to celebrate Father's Day and had a great lunch (and bloody mary) at the Clubhouse.  I of course took a nap, but so did everyone else, and I'm still going strong! 

Even though I haven't felt 100% the past few days, I have however, completed a couple pretty big feats in my life:
1.  I'm drinking juice every morning that has spinach, kale, carrots, and other veggies in it.  There is also fruit and they surprisingly taste good!
2.  I had my first veggie burger.  This was tough for a couple of reasons:  I was raised on beef, and I don't like veggies that well.  I knew my dad would be sad to hear this, but proud at the same time!  Turns out veggie burgers aren't that bad...thank goodness!

Tomorrow, I'm off to see the cosmetologist at Estabrook for my wig fitting.  My mom, Kellie, Linsey, and most importantly Flynn are going along.  I still have yet to have any of the "sensations" she told me I would before my hair actually starts to fall out.  She said those would most likely occur between 10 to 16 days after treatment though, and we're only about a week out.  I'm looking forward to finding a wig though and getting everything else I need, so I'm ready whenever it does happen...or as ready as I can be for this?!?

Beyond tomorrow, I'm also looking forward to enjoying a couple of weeks before my next treatment.  We've got plans to go to a couple CWS games, spending some time with good friends coming into town, taking a trip to Chicago with Jerrid for a long weekend and a good friends wedding, and of course many pool trips and whatever else the boss, Brayden, wants to do!

Thank you for all your support and prayers...if those have any power...I'm definitely going to kick this again!


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