Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dear Chemo and Avastin,

You can continue to make me feel like crap as long as you are doing your job while invading my body.


Well I had treatment on Friday and Saturday.  Friday was a very long day as we were at my doctor's office for a good 2 hours signing papers for the clinical trial, getting examined, waiting on people, ect.  After that we went to check in for treatment at 2:30 and waited over an hour to get brought back to my room...apparently we were right at the time of a shift change...hoping this doesn't happen again.  Once we got back there it took awhile for them to get me all hooked up, but we were finally going by about 5:00.  Before I can get chemo I have to have 4 different pre-meds through the IV to help with nausea and reactions, and they take about an hour.  After that I had 30 minutes of chemo.  Then I had an hour and a half of Avastin and after that they gave me another magnesium treatment because once again my magnesium was low.  This is something that I could always battle as the chemo I was on this summer can cause damage to my kidneys which makes it hard for them to sustain my magnesium levels.  So another 4 hour treatment of magnesium and we were out of the hospital by about 11:30.  Luckily, we live close to the hospital and it's a quick drive home because we had to be back at the hospital by 7:15 the next morning. 

The next morning ran much more smoothly and we were only at the hospital for about a total of 3 hours.  I just had my chemo treatment along with the pre-meds on Saturday.  That afternoon we ran to Target and got a nap in.  That night we had a long over-due dinner date at a very good Chinese restaurant.  Our evening ended with a much needed fortune...

I woke up Sunday morning not feeling very well and was very flushed.  Jerrid headed to Walgreen's to get a thermometer and sure enough I had a fever.  The fever continued until 2:30 this morning (Tuesday), so I have been pretty miserable for the past couple of days.  I also dealt with nausea yesterday.  Over the past couple days I didn't leave my bed, did a lot of sleeping, and did a lot of rolling around in discomfort.  Lucky for me though, I probably have the best care giver around and he did anything I asked of him and more.  I know none of this can be easy on him, but he still does it and goes above and beyond.  I'm not sure how many of your watch the tv show Parenthood, but it used to be a show that Jerrid and I would always watch together.  This season the mother got diagnosed with cancer, so Jerrid has opted out of watching it.  The preview for tonight's episode is spot on with what Jerrid is going through and as much as he hates having to see me go through this, I hate having to see him go through this.  Together though, I know, we will make it through this!

Here is a link to the preview for tonight's episode:

This morning, I'm feeling better and hope that it continues.  I've got a pretty excited little boy coming to see his mama tomorrow and I need to be raring to go!  I don't think I'll do too much today, so I can make sure I'm rested up for tomorrow.  Jerrid finally got out of the apartment after 2 days and is getting a run in and I'm sure will go work out after that.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!


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