Saturday, November 10, 2012

No pain, no gain

Sam's here!!!  My great friend Sam showed up on Thursday early afternoon and right when she got here she got to head straight to the hospital!  Lucky her, huh?

Wednesday was a tough morning as Cait had to leave and B and I did not want her to.  She did not want to leave either.  After our tearful goodbye, B and I headed to Target for a little retail therapy.  Oreos, Spiral Mac and Cheese, new markers, and a movie and we headed back to the apartment.  I was feeling pretty good.  Since it was just me and B all day, we had lined up a longtime family friend, Barb, to come over in the afternoon to help out.  I figured I'd probably need a nap by then.  Around 2, I wasn't feeling the greatest, so I took my temp and it was 102.5!  Yikes!  I wasn't quite expecting that.  Barb showed up around 2:30 and I had her take Brayden to the park so I could nap and hopefully wake up with no fever. such luck.  In the mean time I also started to get that stomach pain I was getting awhile ago.  Really the only concern I had was that maybe I was having some bleeding from my Avastin med.  Also, for the past few days I was getting pretty run down and tired, so I figured either my magnesium was low, hemoglobin was low, or calcium was high.  So around 7, I decided it was probably a good idea to go to the ER.  Mostly, because I didn't want to delay my treatment on Friday.  So the plan was: Barb was going to take me to the ER and then take Brayden and Mogi with her to her house for the night.  I, of course, felt as if everything was under control and I was fine.  BUT, everyone else on the other hand did not feel that way...surprise, surprise! :)

SO...I got to the ER and of course waited for awhile, but got into a bed around 8:30.  They did some blood work and an abdominal x-ray and found that I did have some sort of infection that was causing the fever.  The abdominal x-ray didn't show anything and the pain was getting better.  My blood work also showed I had high calcium, low magnesium, and low hemoglobin.  So they decided to admit me, which I figured would happen.  Finally at 3:00 a.m. a bed opened up in the hospital and they moved me up to the hospital.  In the mean time I had been getting a lot of antibiotics and fluids through the IV.  While in the hospital I continued to get antibiotics and fluids, along with magnesium and 2 units of blood.  My mom also took the red-eye out of Omaha and arrived in Houston by 9:00 a.m.  Once she got into town she went and got Brayden and Mogi from Barb.  Side note:  I'm not sure Brayden and Mogi have ever been taken care of as well as Barb did!  Mogi didn't want to leave and Brayden came home with so many goodies and constantly talking about Barb.  Ok, so once Sam got into town they all headed to the hospital to hang out with me for a few hours.  I was already feeling a lot better, but they were keeping me one more night in the hospital because I hadn't gotten my blood yet.  Around supper time my mom, Brayden, and Sam all headed home and I got a lot of sleep as I didn't get any the previous night!  The next morning I talked to Laura, who is Dr. Subbiah's PA, and she said, I seemed to be doing great so I would be getting discharged and would be getting my Avastin treatment!!  WOO HOO!!!  Later my mom showed up and we waited and waited to be discharged and then got some lunch before going up to see Dr. Subbiah before my treatment.  Finally, after 48 hours...I was headed into the fresh air and leaving the hospital!!  I couldn't wait to get home to my baby!  Him and Sam, had a long day but they seemed to do quite a bit, most importantly making me a welcome home sign! I'm home...feeling well and hoping to keep it up for awhile!  Sam leaves tomorrow and my Aunt Nancy arrives tomorrow.  Then in 5 days...Kellie and Holly come!!  Lots of exciting visitors, so please pray for continued strength and feeling well!


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