Thursday, November 17, 2011

Implant Radiation Update

Quote of the day, coming from the South Tower of the Methodist Hospital:

  • "Dr. Morris is going to cut you open,  and I'm basically going to stick an appliance up yer ying-yang."  - Dr. Duckert, Meighan's Radiologist, talking about her procedure today!
So we are in the south tower of Methodist Hospital tonight and all is good...well...everything minus the spastic bladder that Meighan is currently experiencing.  I've never had a spastic bladder, but I have had a spastic back before.  Judging by Meighan's pained expression, and sudden gasp of breath that occurs every 15 minutes or so, I will do my best to avoid having a spastic bladder.

The procedure went well today and Dr. Duckert was as positive as ever when he came into the room to talk to myself and Meighan's mom, Deb.  It's always a good sign when they enter a room with two big thumbs up.  Anyway, they basically did what they said they were going to do.  Dr. Morris cut her open to help guide and place the radiation device in the correct location, and Dr. Duckert stuck the device up her ying-yang.  While she was open, Dr. Morris did a little exploring of her uterus and cervix and said there were no surprises in terms of the tumor and surrounding tissues.  It is almost non-existent, and the plan is for this implant radiation treatment to be the coup de grace for her tumor and her cancer cells.

Right now she is resting pretty comfortably and I'm sitting in her room trying to get caught up on some school work.  Tomorrow morning she goes into Dr. Duckert's office to have a CAT Scan done.  This is to double check and make sure the device is precisely where they want it.  At that point Dr. Duckert will do some calculations and "figure out the physics" of her treatment to determine how much and how long she will have the device implanted.  He told us it will probably be from 48 to 60 hours, during which time Meighan has to stay in the bed, and she cannot for a few jolly ranchers and ice chips.  During the next 72-96 hours she cannot have a bowel movement.  If she does they have to take her back down to the O.R. to reset the device.  Oh, and she has to have injections in her abdomen to help prevent blood clots.  Can't forget about those!

At some time Friday afternoon the device will be hooked up to the radiation source and she will have to sit there for a couple of days.  It's a low dosage of radiation--people can visit and the nurses and docs will still come in to check on her--but they will place a protective screen around her to reduce the little amount of radiation that will be coming from her.  Likewise, pregnant women, and people under 18 are not to visit during this time, because there is the slightest bit of risk to them if they are exposed to the radiation.

Well...that's where we stand right now.  We are so very hopeful that this is the last round of treatments and that Dr. Duckert is right when he says that this treatment should get rid of the tumor completely.  Thank you all for your care and concern, and keep Meighan in your thoughts and prayers the next couple of days.  The thought of not eating for 5 days makes me ill, as I'm sitting here lamenting that I haven't eaten anything since noon...what a wuss... 

Thank you, and we will keep you posted!

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