Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Now I'm freaking out...

BUT...that still doesn't give anyone else the ok to freak out.  :)  I'm not freaking out because I have cancer, I'm not freaking out because of my upcoming treatment, I'm freaking out because I found out today that I will have to take off more work.  I thought I was going to be able to go back to work after Thanksgiving, but now I will not be able to return back to work until after Christmas.  This is due to the time it will take the incision in my abdomen to heal.  I was really looking forward to getting back to work.  As silly or ridiculous as it may sound, my job is part of what defines me and gives me purpose.  Not that being a mom and wife, don't give me purpose because they, first and foremost, most definitely do.  As much as my job may stress me out at times, I absolutely love it.  I love the kids and my colleagues are an amazing group of people!  But now instead of heading back to work, I will be spending an 6 weeks at home healing.  I know a lot of people at work were concerned about me coming back and how much I'd actually be able to do, so hopefully this extra time will make me that much stronger for when I come back in January. 

Along with finding out today about my recovery time, I did find out a little more about my procedure.  I will be going in this Thursday at 10, and the actual procedure will be at noon.  They will open up my abdomen right along my c-section scar.  The reason for opening up the abdomen is so they are able to place the implant in the right place, but the implant itself will be inserted through the pelvis.  They will place the implant on Thursday and then the rest of the day on Thursday, Dr. Duckert (radiologist) will work on the physics of the implant.  Friday morning then I will go for a CAT scan to make sure it is in the right place, and once that is confirmed, then they will turn on the radiation.  At this time, they will know specifically how many hours I will have to have the implant in for (any where from 40 to 70.)  Once the implant is on, I will not be able to leave my bed.  It will more than likely be pulled out on Sunday or Monday at the latest, and I'm hoping to be dischardged on Monday also.  Visitors are still welcome, but you will have to sign in and sign out stating that you are aware you are entering a room with a low dose radiation.  This is nothing that will harm you, but they take every precaution.  You will also have to stay behind a screen as another precaution.  Apparently, you can see over this screen when you sit in a chair and I can see over it sitting it bed, so I'm assuming it's only a couple feet high.  Other than that info, I don't think I know a whole lot more, but will definitely keep updating you throughout my hospital stay.  The end is in sight, but it could be a long upcoming 6 days!  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear that you will have to wait until January to get back to the normal, crazy schedule you are used to. The procedure and following days sound tough, but I know you will continue to be a model of positivity and strength. Bummed can't come see you, but we will be sending a some thingsnyour way to help keep you busy hopefully. Take care.

    We are sending prayers your way!

