Monday, January 23, 2012

"Use it or lose it"

Try to think of all of the items in your possession that you might describe as being glistening...a mirror...a vase...a light fixture, a new phone.  Never once did I expect a doctor to describe my wife's nether-regions as being "glistening" but that was the case two weeks ago when we had a little pseudo-scare and Meighan went in for an impromptu checkup with Dr. Duckert.  At the time that little checkup was quite stressful and had us both a little concerned.  But everything came back clear and the "glistening" comment was made.

That made today's planned, two-month checkup all the less stressful.  Meighan had another checkup today with both Dr. Morris and Dr. Duckert and the best way to describe it would be to call it a whirlwind of female anatomy one-liners and some not so subtle innuendos.  Honestly, Dr. Morris and Dr. Duckert were in extremely good spirits and everything was done in a matter of minutes.  After a quick physical exam--which began with Dr. Duckert telling Dr. Morris that he would "let him drive" as he was handing him the latex gloves--they claimed that everything appeared to be "normal".  They continued by saying that if she had gone to a family medicine doc or a general practitioner that he/she would not be able to tell that Meighan had just completed treatments for cervical cancer.  This was exciting news because when Meighan finished up her implant radiation they both warned us that it might be several months before they claimed that things looked "normal" because it just doesn't work that way after a course of treatment like she went through.

All in all, it was a  successful day and positive experience.  If I could remember all of the funny things that they said I would included them...then again I might not because they would be borderline inappropriate if taken out of context.  Dr. Duckert did prescribe a medication for her that is somewhat experimental but the thought is that it will limit the chance of any long term side effects she might experience from her implant radiation.  She has another checkup in three months and we are hopeful that things keep moving in a positive direction.

I know it's been a while since our last post but thank you all for everything!  We couldn't have done it without you.

Well my husband came through last night and got the blog update done...thank you honey!  Yesterday was almost bittersweet.  It was a long and at times awful 4 to 5 months, but yesterday's results made it all worth it.  All that I was put through was worth every ache, every pain, every trip to the bathroom, every dizzy spell, all 30 trips to radiation, all 40 hours worth of chemo treatments, all 572 hours missed of work (yes, I'm reminded every pay check) and every minute feeling awful in between.  It definitely wasn't an easy fight, and Dr. Morris reminds me of that every time I see him.  He also reminds me of my attitude throughout the fight and how he's never had a patient like me.  I think that right there says that there is something to be said about a positive attitude and how it can really make or break you.  Everybody is going through things in their lives, but your outlook and attitude is going to be the defining factor on whether you get through the tough times in your life.  Stay positive, don't lose faith, and always hope!

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