Sunday, January 22, 2012

I've learned... not consider myself a statistic.  My attitude along with my friends and family's love and support changed my statistics.
...a positive attitude goes a long ways, and YOU are responsible for your attitude! make the most out of everyday.  I may die from cancer, I may die in a car accident, I may die from old one is guaranteed anything, so make the most out of everyday! not stress about the financial burdens because I am worth it! not stress about having to give up work because I am job is to heal. let faith be bigger than fear. ALWAYS hope for the best! not stress about things that are beyond my control.
...that I have a lot of people in my life that care for me, but I never knew how much until I got sick.  It's such a humbling feeling. let people help.  It helps them too, as they feel helpless. stay rested because life is worth the fight! take things one day at a time.
..."anyone can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength."

Off to see Dr. Duckert and Dr. Morris tomorrow for my two month check up.  You would think I'd be stressed about the upcoming check up, but I'm actually not.  At my post-op appointment at the end of November, Dr. Duckert gave me a list of things that would warrant a call to him.  Well a couple of weeks ago, I had to make a call.  (The doctors were right when they said these 18 months would be harder than the last few months.)  So I went in and saw Dr. Duckert so he could check things out, and I could ease my mind.  Everything checked out, and my mind was at ease again for awhile! 

I have had a lot of inquiry lately regarding how I'm feeling.  I'm feeling great!  I'm back to work, which is going well.  My days fly by and as long as I keep running all day, I don't realize how exhausted I am.  Once I get home though, I crash.  This was to be expected though!  I am limiting my work days to 10 hours a day, Monday through Friday, and 55 total hours a week (or at least trying my hardest to.)  I really have been doing pretty good with sticking to this new years resolution.  I am also starting to "work out" in hopes to increase my strength and energy.

So, I feel pretty good going into the appointment tomorrow, but will be sure to update again tomorrow night!


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