Saturday, September 15, 2012

Change of Plans

Well...there has been a slight change of plans in my treatment plan.  Dr. Morris called on Friday and said that the clinical trial he wanted me to participate in just closed and isn't taking new patients at this time.  So instead of him finding another clinical trial, he had his partner (who trained at MD Anderson) make some calls to MD Anderson to get me in earlier.  This was a little disappointing at first, but once I took some time to take it all in and process it...I'm actually happier with this situation.  MD Anderson is where I want to be, and I know they will find me the best treatment out there!  Friday afternoon Jean, my oncology nurse, called and said they got me an appointment on September 27th down in Houston, at MD Anderson.  WOO HOO!  Less than two weeks away!  My mom and I will be headed down on the night of the 26th and come back on the morning of the 29th.  So no worries, we will still be at the golf benefit.  You may not get to witness our dynamite golfing skills, but you'll definitely get to witness our dynamite socialization skills!

Until then I will be going on a very strict diet that is said to stop tumor growth.  This is something Jerrid and I have come up with after all the research we have done.  It could be brutal at times and very hard to stick to at times, but I WILL do it and it WILL make a difference in my health!  In a nut shell it's basically a lot of raw veggies and fruit, and a lot of green juice!  Brayden and Jerrid will continue to be my inspiration through this, and when I don't want to stick to it, just thinking of them will keep me going!

So even though, it seems that I can't catch a break when it comes to the big C, I still have so many blessings in my life.  On the top of that list...the sweetest, most fun little 5 year old around, who rocks my world and the most caring, genuine, loving husband I could ask for.  These two keep me going everyday, and do so much for me on a daily basis and they don't even know it.  Their constant concern for my well being, the way the interact with one another, the little random kisses and "I love you's" that sneak up on me...they are my world and I will not give up because of them!  Not too far down on my blessing list are my amazing, supportive, strong parents.  No parents should ever have to watch their child go through all that I have.  It brings me to tears just thinking about if I were in their situation with Brayden.  I don't know how they do it, but they stay strong for me, and do absolutely everything they possibly can to support me and ensure that I will be ok.  Next up, my "little" brother and sister (although, I'm much smaller than them now.)  It has been such a blessing to have Caitlin back in Omaha and living only 7 blocks from us.  She does ANYTHING we ask of her at ANYTIME.  She is a huge help with Brayden and so much that goes on around our house.  We couldn't have gotten through the last few months without her help and support.  As for Evan, he's probably the most worried out of anyone, because that is just the way he is.  No one would ever know that though because he goes on with his days just like any other, and that's what he needs to do in order to get through his days.  He's got an amazing wife though who has done so much to support me and show us support from their little family.  Evan's support shines through all that Linsey has done and continues to do!  Lastly, I am so lucky to be blessed with all the wonderful family and friends I have in my life.  I never could have imagined this amount of support, and I will never be able to thank you all for all that you have done and continue to do!  I am still constantly getting mail, text messages, MULTIPLE daily messages and posts on facebooks, phone calls, gifts, ect.  It almost makes me speechless just thinking about all that has been done for my family and all that people are continuing to do.  So many people are reaching out to us to help in so many's simply outstanding and appreciated beyond words!  Because I am so blessed in my life, I know sometime in the future, those blessings will carry over to my health!

Thank you for being a blessing!

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