Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Busy Bee's

Well it's been awhile since I have updated, and that is because we have been busy!  I have gotten my energy back and we've been on the go!

After the 4th we headed to Grand Island for the weekend to spend some time with Jerrid's family.  My energy definitely wasn't back by then, so I spent a lot of time sleeping and just sitting around.  By Sunday when we headed home, I was starting to feel as if I was getting my energy back. 

By Monday, I felt a lot better and we headed to the zoo with Brayden to celebrate our 1 year anniversary.  Later that night Cait took Brayden to Spaghetti Works for supper while Jerrid and I headed to the gym and grocery shopping at Whole Foods...we're pretty exciting!

Last Tuesday, I had my first Reiki appointment.  I wasn't sure what to expect going in to this, but I was pleasantly surprised.  It was very relaxing and I left not able to wait until my next appointment!  I really enjoyed it and felt great afterwards.  Coleen who does Reiki also suggested that I go see a friend of hers who is a chiropractor.  So as with everything else that people are suggesting for me, I made an appointment.  I figure, what do I have to lose, I might as well check out all my options.  When I went to see him he did some evaluations on where certain stresses are in my nervous system and also did a stress test.  I don't feel stressed, but turns out...I am...who knew?! :)  Today I had another Reiki and chiropractic appointment and once again, I feel awesome afterwards!  At my chiropractic appointment he showed me the certain spots in my spine that are stressed and how those affect different areas of my body and life...like certain pains to not being able to sleep.  He also showed me where I came out on the stress scale...which was an eye opener.  So, I will now be seeing him 2 times a week to hopefully relieve these stresses, and the relief of these stresses will only help my overall health!  Between my Reiki and chiropractic appointments today I went to visit Jane at Jane's Health Market in Benson.  While there I picked up a bunch of supplements that have either been suggested to me, or we have researched to be beneficial to those going through chemo and/or have cancer.  There are a lot of side effects that come along with the chemo I am on, and many of the supplements I am going to take will hopefully prevent them.  Chemo also takes a toll on my body, so with taking these supplements, hopefully my body doesn't ware down as much as it could, especially my blood counts.  There are also a couple supplements that are very beneficial to those who have cancer, so I'm giving those a try to.

This is my daily supplement regiment along with my "juicing" schedule.  So...between my doctor's appointments, Reiki and chiropractor appointments, taking supplements and juicing...surviving cancer itself is becoming a full time job!
But between all of the above, I am finding time to do lots of other fun things:

Friday, I went out to eat and to see Magic Mike with my mom and sister and some other friends.  We had a great time!
 Saturday, Jerrid and I met Linsey and Flynn at the farmer's market and got our veggies to juice for the week.  We were also introduced to Broccoli sprouts.  Broccoli sprouts have up to 50 times more cancer fighting benefits than broccoli alone...this was a huge score for me as I HATE broccoli!  Now with broccoli sprouts, I don't have to choke down broccoli and instead can put them in my smoothie every morning and I'm getting a WAY bigger dose of cancer fighting antioxidants!  After the farmer's market we headed to Target to get some things for our vacation next week and then headed home to relax for awhile.  That evening we went to listen to the Dueling Pianos at Stinson Park.  It was a beautiful night!  Later that night Jerrid participated in the Owl Ride with some friends, which is a late night ride around downtown and midtown Omaha...he had a great time.

Relaxing on Saturday afternoon.

On Sunday we met my parents at the horse races and then went to Pitch for supper.  Jerrid and Cait both walked away winners!

This week is busy with swim lessons, family pictures, appointments, and lots of errands to get things ready for vacation.  Jerrid had to head home for a couple days to irrigate for his dad, so it's just B and I.  Of course we miss Butts (Jerrid), but it's been some nice bonding time for the 2 of us!

Also, Codi showed up this week and I love her...what about you?

Meet Codi
Lastly, thank you for all of your continued support!  The cards keep rolling in along with the bracelet orders.  My family and I appreciate each and every one of your for sticking by our sides through all of this and doing all that do!

If you don't hear from me for awhile it's because I'll be lounging on the beach for a week! :)


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